Friday, December 26, 2014

Why Yagya Performed by AstroDevam.Com is Unique

Astro Vedic Yagya
Astro Vedic Yagya

The Vedic Pundits of AstroDevam.comare not ordinary Yagya performers, but they are focused by prosperity preoccupied with considerate missionary zeal. Let us discuss, why ‘Astro Vedic Yagya’ performed by specialist Vedic Pundits of ‘’ are distinctive and what makes them unique..????

Astro Vedic Yagya is the Jyotish Vedic Yagya, specialized to excellence, to suit the person and different necessity of everyone, organizing the Yagya, called Yajman of the Yagya, executed under the skilled supervision of experts Pundits of Yagya and Vastu. The individuality of Astro Vedic Yagya, executed under the sponsorships of ‘’ is mutual knowledge and proficiency of teachers of all these arenas, which give fascinating outcomes to our valued customers. The Yagya performed under our sponsorship are unique because of the following factors which are given below:

The precise Yajna, to be executed for a precise person, industry, association is fixed up either on the basis of planetary arrangement in an individual’s birth chart or on the basis of complications being confronted by an individual. The individual, planning for a Yajna, sends his Birth details like Birth period, city and Date through Contact form to ‘’.  If one is uncertain of his birth information, he may mail us also his teething troubles/ sorrows, to be eliminated through the ‘Astro Vedic Yagya’ or the objective/ aim, planned to be attained by him through Yajna. 

Unique Place
Yajnas are executed in precise places of New Delhi, NCR, Vindhyachal, Haridwar or Varanasi, be decided by the nature of Yajna.  Our specialists of Vedic thesis and Vastu choose the place of Hawan after examining the Planetary and Pranic Energy of the space, which must be in coordination to the aspect of Yagya, to be executed. 

Unique Mantras
The Vedic Pundits of ‘’ after thinking over the birth chart/ trouble of the host of the Yagya, recommends the following points which are given below:
  •       The precise mantra to be used in Specific Yagya.
  •       The correct way of chanting that precise Mantra.
  •       The precise number, in which, the Mantra is to be recited.
  •    A proper mantra is a huge sanctification, whereas an unsuitable mantra can cause unbelievable bad luck.

Unique Material
‘’ by AstroVastu Kendra is the first business group in the world, which looks out of this characteristic. We have particular relations with the farmhouses and manufacture firms, which manufacture the resources, necessary in the Yagya, in Organic and Vedic way, under the direction of Jyotish specialists of ‘’, without using any pesticides, chemical and insecticide. We use basils, grains and milk foodstuffs of utmost excellence.

At ‘’, all the Astro Vedic Yagyas, Hawans, Homams and sacraments are executed by the Vedic Pundits/ Brahmans/ Prophets/ Intellectuals, who are skilfully trained for carrying out these Yajnas and Sacraments.

Unique Timing
At ‘’, the Time and Date for Yajnas are finalised in most exclusive way after seeing following factors which are given below:
  • Over-all planetary arrangements, for working out fortunate and   unfavorable dates generally.
  • Planetary situations in the Birth chart of the individual, for whom Yajna is to be executed.
  • Present planetary arrangements, comparative to the planetary situations in the Birth chart of the individual, for whom Yajna is to be executed.
  • The purpose of the Yajna to be executed.
  • The problem to be eliminated or the desire to be attained through Homam. 

Unique Sankalpam
This is the exclusive procedure of Jyotish Science, through which, the profits of Yajna are transmitted and carried to the Host of the Yagya. The Seers, executing the Yajna, work as moderate between planetary energy and the individual, for whom Yajna is executed. For this, the Vedic Seers chants the name and other information, previously received from you, at the time of praying the planetary energies and in this way makes sure that the aids are transmitted to you, in the completest, overpass all the proportions of time and universe.

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